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000263_owner-lightwave-l _Sun Oct 16 20:53:08 1994.msg
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Date: Sun, 16 Oct 1994 20:30:28 -0400 (EDT)
From: "D. Kim Stickler" <kim@bronze.coil.com>
To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
Subject: Re: Problem with rendering High and Print res.
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Yes, I have the same problem! Nothing I do to conserve memory
helps, even with Gigamem up and running I get the same problem!
If you find a solution PLEASE let me know before I spend the next two
mortgage payments on memory! (I really hope that's NOT the solution!)
Hope someone figures this out soon, I'm seeing more and more posts like
yours on the list.
FYI I have 8 megs of ram and 2 megs of chip ram. Running a 2000
Parnetted to a 1200, no render farm or anything, I just like to get on
the net while rendering. Removed all background processes, even tried
running without parnet, no help, or very little.
Kim Stickler
On Wed, 12 Oct 1994, Ottmar Roehrig wrote:
> Hello!
> We are using LightWave 3.5 on several A2000, A3000 and A4000. The
> problem we have is quite simple: As soon as we switch to High or Print
> Resolution in the Camera Menu and want to render a frame Lightwave
> either promptly responds with "no memory for RGB buffer" or it starts
> the rendering and crashes with a guru when coming to "allocating
> z-buffer".
> I tried fiddling with the memory-segment-size and I used machines with
> 28 MByte of RAM using OS2.1, 3.0 and 3.1 and very simple scenes.
> Has anyone else encoutered this problem? Is there a solution?
> Thanks for any help,
> Ottmar Roehrig - PGP public key available on request -
> --
> Alfredstr. 1, D-22087 Hamburg | CIS: 100333,1354 | UUCP: or@silicon.hanse.de
> "Ein Grossteil der TV-Zuschauer wuenscht sich heute nicht mehr
> Interaktivitaet als den Aus- und Einschaltknopf"
> - Helmut Thoma, Geschaeftsfuehrer von RTL ueber Interactive TV und VOD